You are truly never alone ...

The Angelic Realm is the highest level of Spiritual Allies for us to have. There are Archangels amongst Guardian angels, Cherubs, Seraphim angels, Cosmic Angels not to mention the angels who do not specifically have names but are of the Light and serve. 


EVERYONE has an angel looking over them and we need to be proactive in working WITH them. They are showing up behind us and unless we invite their energy into your life, they are always on standby. 

Wouldn't be great to learn how to connect with them, but also know exactly which one is waiting for you! 

Now you can! 

March Reading Special: 

Card pull PLUS channeling. 

  1. Amber will ask what Angel is working with you specifically during this time. 
  2. How you will receive SIGNS from this Angel (and they are all different and unique to you)
  3. What YOU can do to connect with this angel throughout your day
  4. Specific Channeled message specifically for you
  5. Angel Card Layout:
    • What is the current situation 
    • What is the current challenge 
    • Best solution to problem
    • Concrete advice from angel
    • Potential outcome 

All emailed to you with photos! 

Email Reading


  • What Angel is working with you specifically during this time. 
  • How you will receive SIGNS from this Angel (and they are all different and unique to you)
  • What YOU can do to connect with this angel throughout your day
  • Specific Channeled message specifically for you
    • Angel Card Layout:
    • What is the current situation 
    • What is the current challenge 
    • Best solution to problem
    • Concrete advice from angel
    • Potential outcome 

This will be EMAILED to you via PDF within 5 business days. 

Amber does work very hard to get them all out as quick as possible and values you as a client. 

Book Here!

LIVE Zoom Call


45 minutes chatting with your Angelic Spirit Team!

Common themes we can explore in this 45-min session:

  • Guidance and support
  • Receive answers to your questions
  • Who your Guardian Angels are and how they support you
  • Past life healing
  • Akashic Records 
Book Here!