Long Distance Healing

Crystal Reiki or Shamanic Healing can be done long distance safely and effectively. There is no time and space in long distance healing.  See which service bests suits you:

**Disclaimer**This is a complementary healing art that works well alone as well as in concert with other treatments.  This is not a replacement for traditional medical treatment.

Crystal Reiki:

Best for:

  • Stress Relief 
  • Chakra Balancing (aligning your chakras)
  • Clearing from sickness, dis-ease 
  • Sleeping and relaxing 
  • Jump start re-set 
  • Support during surgery process 
  • Pain relief: Pain from chronic conditions 


Shamanic Healing: Transformational


Best for:

  • Cord cutting 
  • Extraction 
  • Ancestral Clearing
  • Healing Traumas 
  • Inner Child Work
  •  Awaken to Purpose
  • Know your Spirit Animal
  • Karmic Clearing 


You have the wisdom within


2018, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Upon walking into the doctors, I received medicine and I ended up not being able to walk out. I left in a wheel chair and was stuck in bed, unable to move for weeks. There was many people telling me "what to do", but for me, I decided to tune in and listen to my soul. As I listened, she told me how to heal. She told me to go to the chiropractor. Within one visit, I walked out. 

No two sessions are alike. What works for one person, doesn't work for the other. We are each unique, but we each have a wise soul. I will help you get in touch with your soul, listen and be guided.


When you come in alignment that you are ready to heal, Pachamama (Mother Earth) holds you as we dive into timelines, belief systems and releasing what doesn't serve you. 



To see more testimonies, here is my "old" website, feel free to go through and find goodies of kinds. 


Book with Amber 



We will meet over zoom. After you purchase, a link is sent to you. Our appointment is 75 minutes.


1) First 30 minutes looking over your chakras and what crystals are best for you. I will pull cards for crystals and information.


2) Next 30-40 minutes is the healing portion. Relax and get comfortable. Music will be played and I walk you through a meditation to the crystal cave - here I start to clear you with reiki. I will talk to you of energies that release as I send healing to the physical, emotional, mental bodies. I will then send protection fields around you.


Then I will EXIT THE ZOOM. I do this because many times people fall asleep. The energy is working, do not worry if you do!


2) After the healing is complete, listen to the 30 min recording of your session that will be emailed to you within 30 minutes. You will receive information on the following information:


  1. How your energy flow
  2. Status of chakras
  3. What crystals are recommended to work with
  4. Any other messages


Sessions are 90 minutes.  

Shamanic Healing Sessions starts with speaking to you about your intention and what's going on. 

Usually your past will illuminate for you: ages that are specific of events that have impacted you.

We will make connections, look at your belief system, clear patterns. 

Each session is unique and different and we may dive into different things such as: (childhood trauma, past lives. ancestral wounds, grief, things of the past, etc) 

Some other things that can occur:


👉Spirit Animal Journey

👉 Energy body clearings

👉 Shamanic journey

👉 Soul recovery

👉 Entity extractions

👉 Timeline Healings

Non-refundable. Session date may be changed one time. 


Crystal Reiki


  • 1 session long distance over zoom, 75 minutes
  • How your energy flow
  • Status of chakras
  • What crystals are recommended to work with
  • Any other messages 

You will receive an email within 24 hours of purchase to schedule your zoom call. Note: All zoom calls are EST. 


Shamanic Healing


  • 1 session, 90 minutes over zoom
  • Drumming/Meditation 

You will receive an email within 24 hours of purchase to schedule your zoom call. 
Note: All zoom calls are EST