The Long Version of Me

The Start of My Healing Experience:
“Amber, you are still you – just a different version of you.” My friend’s words didn’t really sink in. Â
Even years after the diagnosis, my self identify, my ego, was still bruised and injured. I have held onto so much anger and resentment for being sick. The unjust, it’s not fair, victim mentality. That somewhere I got screwed over. I don’t deserve it. Â
I was in the best physical shape and self-care that I ever had my whole life. I was running a full-time energy healing practice and training hundreds of healers. I was able to financially depend upon myself from my business and developed a goal-oriented mind frame to achieve and keep going! Â
And then it happened. I woke up one morning with a shock going in my shoulder and it wouldn’t stop. Being an intuitive psychic, I leaned in and asked my body what was wrong. I heard the word, “doctor.” When I asked who should I see, I intuitively heard, “neurologist.” Â
So I called and to my surprise, they sent me for an MRI right away the next morning. As I drove myself to get the MRI done at 5 am, a song came on the radio. My father passed away four years prior and I knew it was a sign from him that he was with me. I then got a very uncomfortable feeling that all was not going to be well. Â
That afternoon, I received a call from the neurologist that he was diagnosing me with multiple sclerosis and I had to get to the ER right away for treatment. Â
I had no idea what that even meant! I fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably as he said the words to me. My husband picked me up and tried to tell me comforting words, but I couldn’t hear anything. Â
We called our parents and got them to watch the kids as I headed into the hospital. The nurses gave me steroid pouch after steroid pouch and I knew my body hated it. I actually tried to talk them out of stopping it but they said I had to finish. It was in my best care. Â
After the steroids were finished, I tried to get up. Little did I know, I would lose my ability to walk right away. I was so confused. Why did I walk in and now I can’t walk out? Â
Doctor, fix me! I cried. Â
But they sent me a wheel chair and told me to go home. I just need time to heal. My head whirled with confusion. I was devastated that I couldn’t walk. In fact, I couldn’t put my shoes on, wash my hair or even pull my jeans on. I lost mobility in a snap. Â
The next day, my husband wheeled me back into the doctors. We wanted answers but instead the doctor gave me my choice of medicines. He explained how I got to choose what infusion I wanted and if it didn’t work, we would change it. Â
More confusion set in. But you are the doctor. I go to you to fix me. If I have a problem, you give me a solution. Isn’t this how I was told it works?Â
I went home and sat in bed trying to understand any of this. I did what I have always done best. Tuned into my own intuition. Â
“What do I need? What can I do?” was the questions I needed answers too. Â
I heard an inner voice say, “Go to the chiropractor.” I have never been to one, but I asked my inner guide, “who should I pick?” I felt drawn to this one in town and gave her a call. She said she would see me right away because she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis years ago and she knew she could help me. Â
My husband helped me walk in. And as I sat at her desk, I cried uncontrollably. She gave me her advice, looked at my x-ray and took me into her office. I laid down on a table and she cracked me, once, twice. I sat up and not expecting anything from it, a miracle happened. I walked out. Â
This was just a moment, a glimpse of my healing story. After helping hundreds of clients through the healing process, I knew it was my time to Heal My BS and Manifest Health.

In 2012, I got into the spiritual healing field due to a physical problem. I was walking and my vision went black from right to left. As if someone took a screen and pulled the curtain. I yelled out to my husband, “Call 9-1-1!”  a few seconds before the darkness fell upon me.  I fell over on the floor and lost my ability to communicate. Â
I asked myself intuitively “Am I dead?” as I looked into complete darkness. I heard a voice respond, “No.” “Am I going to be okay?” I heard a voice respond, “Yes.” “Then put me back together I snapped!” Nobody heard this conversation aloud. This was all intuitive conversations within. Â
The paramedics arrived at my home and kept questioning me, “How many drinks have you had? Are you on any drugs?” I couldn’t answer and then I started to throw up out of nowhere. Â
Sitting in triage at the hospital, they didn’t run any tests but sent me home with anxiety pills and told me to make a neurologist appointment. I remember my mom leaning over and saying, “They are going to send you home.” I still couldn’t communicate and was livid! Inside my head I was screaming, “WHY! They can’t send me home.” I can’t function. They wanted me to talk and I couldn’t. They wanted me to urinate in a cup and I couldn’t. I was devastated and heart broken. Â
I made my first neurologist appointment and had to wait in bed for three weeks. My head wasn’t working right even though I couldn’t explain what that meant. It wasn’t vertigo. I wasn’t dizzy, but I couldn’t see to the side of me. Â
As I laid in bed, I started to experience being out of body. I saw myself lift out of my body and fly above. I thought, “Great, now I’m definitely dead!” I started to float across the ceiling and saw my husband and daughter in the kitchen. I flew out of the door and started to head up the street! In this wild experience, I said to myself, “You have to get back to your body! You can’t leave!”Â
Within seconds I felt myself dive into my body and become present. What in the world was that? How do I even explain that? Â
I went to the neurologist at John Hopkins and after an MRI said, “Don’t worry. The brain is amazing and it will correct itself back.” I wasn’t diagnosed with anything then. Â
Within the months following this bizarreness, I became really sensitive in all my senses. I googled “natural ways to get out of anxiety.” I didn’t have any diagnosis or direction except that the ER said I had anxiety, which I didn’t think I did. Â
I came across a woman online who opened her hand chakras and felt a person's energy body. I remember thinking I would do anything to not have this happen again. So I rubbed my hands together and felt energy between both of them. Interesting I thought. Â
I called my mom and asked her to lay down as I waved my hands above her. Within a few moments, I felt the heat rise up. Curious and staying open to what I was experiencing, I started to hear that inner voice again. Words popped into my head and I would tell her. I remember saying, “Do you know who Bert is?” And she said, “Yes! My first boyfriend!” Â
I knew things about her that I didn’t know before, but how?Â
I called my stepmom and asked if I could run my hands through her field. Again, I heard information that she confirmed was true. I then felt a man in spirit come in. I had no clue what I was doing, but kept going with it. I ended up channeling her father whom I never met before. Â
Word got out pretty fast and I travelled from home to home as an energy healer. I would go to anyone who would have me and people raved that I made them feel better. My job was born. Â
Now if this sounds unbelievable, I will tell you it’s all true. Yes, I was one of those kiddos who was intuitive from the very beginning. My mom would take me to church and I would see colors or auras around the pastor. I would share conversations I had with the angelic world. And as most children do, I shut down my gifts and abilities in middle school when I got made fun of. Â
Although I would like to think I am special, talented and gifted, I know that we all have intuitive abilities. After working with clients for over 12 years, I have helped clients open their abilities and listen to their inner guidance. It’s there. We all have it. It’s something you have to tap into. But you have it. Â

Each week, I would take clients for 6 hours every day, Monday through Friday. My practice became booked in no time but I didn’t like what I was seeing. A client would come in with sadness, grief, low self-worth and then they would leave feeling lighter and better. But they would return bi-weekly feeling the same feelings. What could I do to help my clients maintain the level of lightness while they were gone? Â
I can tell you they didn’t make any changes and kept getting the same outcomes. They were unhappy in relationships, but kept going back. They were stuck in grief, but kept cycling it over and over. They didn’t know their purpose, but stayed in jobs that made them unhappy. They were staying in SICKNESS! Even though I kept clearing their energy fields in sessions, it was temporary. Â
This one client came in because she worked at her job for over twenty years. She was tired of it and her soul wanted to experience something new. I sat down and said, “You would be great at painting furniture”. She lit up! Yes she would! But how could she make a living off of selling furniture she questioned? This is where belief systems come in. Who says she can’t? But she believed she couldn’t so she didn’t take the risk. And returned to an unfilled job. Â
Everything is connected. Your mind, body, emotions and soul. When one thing is out of alignment, it off sets everything else in your life. The problem is not in the external world, it’s internal. Â
The process that I’m about to teach you will help you heal anything in your life. I focus strongly on health because that’s part of the story my soul chose. (More about that later). You can’t manifest new things without healing what doesn’t work for you. Example, calling in a soul mate when you keep choosing partners that resemble the parent that was neglectful or abandoned you as a child. Â
Through this work, you will have awareness of how your life is designed. By patterns and the belief systems that are the programmed in you currently. Good news! You get to decide if you want to keep them or update them. Â
Sure this book is about bringing you back to health and healing, but it’s also about creating the life you desire. You get one lifetime to currently work with, why not make it the very best possible. And in doing this work, you have to break down all your systems and programs, but I assure you, it will be worth it. In doing this work, you will connect to your purpose, your unique blueprint because once you dismantle the BS, you will uncover your soul Truth. Â
Onwards and up, Â
Amber Â