Can you believe it is July already?! As we walk into this month, there are things we need to remember:
The energies that are coming through this month are pushing us forward, however we will notice that as we hop forward, we will also take a step back. We may want to move forward and keep on going, but we will also be pulled back to something that has been left behind.
To receive additional support this month, Join the Crystal Cave Membership to help you navigate the energies through shamanic practices, crystals and more. There is an audio file and crystal video to continue your support. In addition, you will receive a new on demand workshop.
This is the month of the heart chakra and how to align your heart with your head.
New workshop on July 5th.
There is new energy in the air. This fresh vibration to perhaps start something new or inspire you in some way. You feel the energy to be productive and move forward and as you do you will notice something comes up that will take you just a step back. This is the time to have patience and observe. As we take a step back, the energy is asking us, “Do we really want to move forward in this direction? Are we really aligned to our purpose and soul?”
When we move a step back, we can feel disappointed that we have to look at something again. That we have to go through the same pattern yet once more. But that’s the point. We need to look at situations for the truth of what they are. Do we need to release what we have created? Is it really what we want? Taking this step back allows us to align consciously and observe what is really the pattern. Have we falling into the same trap again? Is this truly the relationship you desire to be in? These are questions that we must look at if the situation is coming up again for us.
If you are in struggle this month, its time to stop and hit the reset button. Allow acceptance to surface. If you are hitting the same spot over and over, look at it for the truth of what it is and not what you perceive it to be. Observe. This isn’t about reacting, it’s about observation.
If you are having problems manifesting something you desire and feel its just not moving forward, pause and have patience. It’s time to clean up before proceeding forward. Always remember that just because there may be a step back, it doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path. It means that there needs to be some cleaning to do!
You are building new timelines, new energies for your future this month. Observe the step back. You always have a choice in how you want to proceed moving forward. If you need to clean something out emotionally or mentally, it’s now the time to get it done! This will affect the future energies. The Universe is giving you the opportunity to really clear out the unresolved issues in order to move forward. Thank the Universe so you are able to move on in harmony and alignment.
Are you going through a physical detox or an emotional release? Whatever it is, it’s time to observe the pull back. If you jump into a new project, relationship, physical detox and you get pulled back: Look. Observe. Find the TRUTH. What is it really that is causing you not to align into a place of love? A strong set of spiritual practices will help you align this month. As we rely more and more on our inner compass, we will need a healthy look at our heart. The alignment between your heart and head will assist you the most this month. If you would like additional assistance with this, join the Crystal Cave Membership for the Heart Mapping workshop. Only you can make the changes that you need to truly make.
This is a great month for looking at the truth of a relationship. What is really going on? Do you need to let go? Do you have a fear that you will not be supported if you do? Is it a good time to jump forward with open arms?
Observe is the theme. If there is old out dated karma that is coming up, it’s time to cleanse it. Cutting dysfunctional ties is the time! But you need to observe what patterns and karma is coming up in order to move forward. Perhaps its not the relationship that needs to be cut but the dysfunctional ties created around it. If you would like to schedule a karmic and passed life reading, you can do so here.
If there is a new relationship coming in this month, stop. pause and observe. Did you attract the same pattern in the new person to you? Usually this is something that is often empty within ourselves (like self-love) that needs to be filled.
This is a great time to start a new project! The Universal energy is inspiring and inviting! If there is a challenge or delay that arrises, know this is a good thing. Take advantage of this energy and thank the energy for showing up so you can correct and make your projects even stronger to move forward!
There may be old projects or ideas that are finally coming into fruition this month. They may not have worked out in the passed, but is the time now! Trust the process in moving forward. If a project doesn’t arise, let it go. It may not have been in your highest good during this timeline!
JULY 1-7: This is when most problems will arise, at the beginning of the month. Your natural reaction may be to keep moving forward and pushing through but it’s not the time. Instead, pull in and observe the inner self. Allow the truth to appear. Is it really time to let something go? How do you really feel? Not what people tell you to feel or to become. What is going on with your Spirit. Let’s step up and take care of us.
July 9th: New Moon in Cancer. It’s time to start something new!
July 8-15: This is the time when most karmic patterns will appear. If you fall into depression or sadness, look into ways to support yourself. Watch how you speak to yourself during this time.
July 23: Full moon in Aquarius. I will be sending out an email as we get closer. The Crystal Cave has a special monthly ceremony.
July 24-31: This is a time for relationships. Look at what relationships are serving you and what relationships you need to finally let go!
Dolomite: Assists with patience
Sodalite: Assists with observation of the self
Dioptase: Assists with karmic patterns
As you do your work this month, remember to first observe and have patience with yourself. If you can see this month as an opportunity blessing, you will be able to move forward easier for the months ahead.